Watch a short video about the work process
What is this bas-relief about?
Secondly, it is molded, literally like dumplings. This is not our traditional technique at all. To master this technology, I turned to my colleague from my native Rostov, and he conducted an online master class for our entire team.
I brought in colleagues from Pataglia to select the gold. We tried dozens of options before we found the optimal one.
Our lighting partners have trained our employee on technical issues related to lighting.
Another remarkable fact: the main part of the work, about 600 hours, was done by our student who completed the master class. She just asked to work and improve professionally.
I remember that for nine years now I have been walking along this patch on Zubovsky Boulevard towards Plyushykha, where there are many partners, projects and customers, and I always thought: how nice it would be to take the object here, on the corner! And now it has become a reality! Thoughts are material if they are properly materialized.…