What is this bas-relief about?
At the very last moment, the client decided that there should be a tree of life. This is his personal holy story. The deadlines were very tight and the work was done to a tight schedule. From the story, it is easy to see how quickly my team got the job done.
With the seemingly deceptive simplicity of the popular image, the task is difficult because there was a risk of creating an obvious canvas.
So I concentrated on finding an original plastic solution: trunk, roots, crown, foliage.
Walking on the edge of stylisation and realism. If you look at the barrel, you will see that I twisted it in a spiral. So I added that texture. I had to think a bit more about the crown. I found a lot of decorative solutions on the internet where petal goes on petal and fills the space with carpet. Starting from the opposite, I made a plan of the foliage, dividing it into scenes. The background is more blurred, the middle and close plan with clearly drawn leaves. This optical technique helped to convey the aerial perspective of the crown.