What is this bas-relief about?
A memory flashed through my head that when I stood on nails, one of the important tasks was to balance my breathing. There are different squares on which his control takes place. For example, the ratio is 3 to 5, that is, we inhale through our nose for three counts and exhale for five.
So the idea was born to take the standard "inhale-exhale" square, which I created with three breaths up and five exhalations down. To visually diversify the square, I added details on three breaths and four exhalations + added another exhalation.
This work turned out to be a meditative map that we can look at, knowing its meaning and taking into account the mathematical model laid down by the artist.
According to my idea, a muscle impulse for inhaling and exhaling comes from the center. The rising arc is a symbol of the opening diaphragm, the lower arc is an exhalation through the abdomen.