What is this bas-relief about?
I felt that the composition was filled with symbolism and meaning, but I couldn’t formulate them until the very end. It was clear that these were celestial bodies, but what kind? The sun and the moon as a contrast between day and night?
There was even an idea to play out a reference to the universe of George Lucas and “Star Wars” here, making the spheres two battle stations — “Death Star”, and weaving stylized “X-Wings” (rebel fighters. Fans will understand) among the surrounding stars, i.e. to tell this saga in the language of art deco, about how good triumphs over evil.
But then such a simple and clear image came — these are star pairs. In the universe, stars, rotating around each other, can form binary systems. But this union can be destroyed by a third star flying by. Or one star can absorb another. And not every star can find a pair for itself, and then its destiny is to quietly fade away alone... In general, everything is like with people.
Thus the project acquired its romantic subtext.