I founded this studio in 2015. Over the course of 10 years, we have grown from an intimate, almost boutique format into a large, full-fledged company with a full production cycle, with our own school for sculptors and our own workshop for the production of art objects.
At the end of 2021, we moved to a unique architectural monument in the very center of Moscow and are now building a new cluster there for like-minded people from the art business.
At the same time, the studio has always been and remains a project created by an artist with a fundamental academic school. And this means that we are much more than just another team of artisans who know how to copy and stylize.
We make art. No matter how pretentious it may sound. Any of our objects - a panel, an entrance group, a ceiling rosette, facade stucco - is an object of art. We create meaning, put aesthetics first and strictly adhere to the high standards of academic sculpture.
With this approach, one simple principle allows us to remain a commercially successful business: the customer is our co-author.
Modern man is increasingly turning to himself and his sense of self. The question “what exactly do I want?” becomes key. Therefore, the time of universal win-win solutions, when anyone can create a completely nice interior, but this interior will not differ from millions of others (hello, IKEA), is gradually passing away (bye, IKEA).
The interior can be anything you want. Is it true. Because people are terribly different. And that's great.
Decor is not an addition, not an option, not a bonus. These are accents and even dominants of space.
We are used to the fact that a unique interior is damn expensive. But this is a myth. The charge of individuality is carried not only by the architecture of the space, handmade furniture or frescoes by Italian masters above the fireplace. Already 2-3 elements of thoughtful decor make even the most typical and simple interior special. This approach is simply a manifestation of a higher culture of human interaction with space. A more attentive, conscious attitude. The transition from “universally beautiful” to “subjective beautiful”.
This transition requires courage—a person’s freedom and self-confidence. Because individuality can only be revealed when you realize it. And we see our mission precisely as helping people to open up in the spaces in which they live and work.
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if you want to receive an answer immediately, call us:
+971 55 591 1841